Today Incredible snaps showcase pictures of bears. Bears are called as dog like carnivorus sometimes classified as caniforms. Bears are belong to the class of mammals. Bears are mostly found in Europe, north america, south america and asia too. The basic feature of Bears include large body with shaggy hair,a short tail,long snout and paws with claws.Bears have only eight types of species. Although it has less number of species they are also widespread throughout the world. Polar bears are consider as predator and panda mostly depends on feeding bamboo then remaining bear species are consider as omnivorous. Familiar bear species are Black Bear, Polar Bear, Brown Bear, Asiatic Black Bear, Sloth Bear, Giant Panda bear, Spectacled Bear and Sun Bear . Bears are hunted for their meet and fur. The most amazing fact about bears are they can walk like human being that is, Bears used their heels to walk. Because of their fabulous physical characteristics many bear’s featured toys are manufactured and nowadays it is used for entertaining the children. Teddy bears are most common lovely gifts for all vocation.