It’s a great pleasure to incredible snaps to post the fantastic photographs of onam festival celebration. We all know onam is a festival celebrated in gods own country kerela. It is the popular festival in Kerela. The reason why the festival of Onam festival is celebrated in honour of the beloved King Mahabali as his return to his kingdom on earth.To say about kerela it is equal to heaven, were ever we see it is full of greenery and with lot of water falls,lakes etc. To say about onam festival really it is a fantastic festival. People send onam greetings for friends and relatives and the greetings for onam may be as cases or ecards or by giving onam sweets they will share onam wishes. Onam pookalam is special of this festival really it is a stunning onam flower rangoli. Onam flower decorations are really stunning. During onam sandya the girls dance around the onam rangoli by keeping a big lamp in middle really it’s awesome to see. Still lots are there to say about onam. Here you can see amazing photographs of onam. Hope you all will love it happy onam.