Fashion Designing is one of the most popular art of application of design. Costume and Fashion Designing is not only used in modern days, it is already used in the earlier history where the attempt to design according to the body structure, color clothing and much more. Women Fashion Designing is the most popular and much used when compared to Men Fashion Designing since most of the people all over the world believe that women is the beauty and her expressive fashion is always much trendy and impressive and for sure all time beauty. Of course our teams believe the same and most of the people of our team voted and the majority stand for Girls and Women’s.
Fashion Designing is targeted on clothing and designing it where as the creativity steps in which replaces clothes into flower petals. Yes one of the great artists, Grace Ciao from Singapore who is a student and about 22 years old express his creative ideas by using Flower petals instead of using pen and ink. The art was extraordinary beautiful and for sure it is really amazing. Today in our showcase we filled with the beautiful fashion design art using flower petals by Grace Ciao, and the artist describes that this creativity was into his mind when he think about preserving the beauty of dying rose and he saved it into book and at that this idea sparkle into his mind and result is added to our showcase.
What do you think about his idea? Do you think you can use any other instead on Flower Petals?