Christmas Special with Incredible Snaps. Christmas was the special day for most of the people all over the day. The birth of Jesus Christ was celebrated on the special day. The special day was to capture the moment of Christ and live with peace by sharing the happiness with friends and relatives. The special decorations of lights, trees, stars which symbolize the enjoyment party of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is said that Jesus will come home on the special day in any form.
The music and carols for the celebration were already started for the Christmas celebration. Christmas cards which were greatly shared by most of the friends and relatives all over the world and the special gifts to the family members make us the given life with added peace. Today in our showcase we would like to share the beauty of the day with the special lights and creative ideas for the celebration on the special and beauty occasion from the different parts of the world. Santa will be giving gifts to all people all over the world and today we will would like and feel proud to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by sharing the beautiful lighting pictures of the Christmas day from all over the world. Wish you a Happy Christmas.

A Neo-Rockwellian Christmas by Trey Ratcliff