5 Things You Can Do In A Hire Car You Don’t Want To Do In Your Own – Say you’re on holidays and you want to get a car hire in Sydney so that you can make your own way around, maybe get out to see a bit of the surrounding area, run to your own schedule so you don’t have to be a slave to the train timetable. Well, remember that having a hire car is not like having your own car, and there are few things you might want to take advantage of while you’re at it. Think about a few of these funny ideas for things when you’re next travelling – but remember that these suggestions are to be taken with your tongue firmly in your cheek! Always obey the road rules, and always obey the law.
There are so few places left for the smoker to take refuge. The public smoker is now resigned to the back entrance smoking areas of hospitals and airports that group all the smokers together, the desperate sick sad smokers and the young hip smokers so that both parties have to suffer the sight of the other. And you probably don’t want to smoke in your own car either as that tends to make it stink after a while and then in old smokers cars you see the roof lining sinks down and gives the whole thing a kind of sad look. But in a hire car you can smoke all you want because the smell isn’t going to sink in over the few days you have it. Just make sure to give it a good deodorize before you hand the keys back.
This one is a bit trickier but if you’re smart you can get away with it. Although the car company will be able to track the fine and match it with your details and the policy is usually to pass the fine on there are a couple of ways to get around it. You can either give the car company a fake name, the wrong credit card details or pay for the car with cash and they won’t be able to track you down. But even if they do manage to pin it on you you’ll at least be able to tie the process up for as long as possible by challenging the company and then the police on it, the paper work along will give you a good six months.
Why not make a little cash on the side. The thing about hire cars is that they are usually pretty new, which is one of the only conditions you need to be an Uber driver, so while your battered all bomb won’t make the cut, a hire car definitely will. It’s pretty easy to get registered. So why not pick up a few fares and you can earn back a little of the money you spent on the hire car and make it pay for itself!
Sleep in it
The trick that every traveler knows to save money on a hotel room, especially if you are doing a road trip and only need to stop for a few hours to get some sleep. Don’t pay for a hotel room you’re only going to sleep in – far better off to find a secluded part of town, preferably near some toilets, and fold the seats back for a good few hours kip. It might not be the most luxurious sleep you ever get but it will be worth it when you consider how much you are saving on the hotel room and think about the quick getaway you can make in the morning.
Maybe the less said about this the better, but just remember that whatever you do in a hire car is much less likely to get back to you.