
Amazing Installation made of 760 Stacked Bicycles by Ai Weiwei


Incredible snaps present the stunning and amazing installation made of 760 stacked bicycles by Ai weiwei. Visitors of incredible snaps are quite lucky to watch these kinds of things. Using bicycles he has done this are amazingly by installing it. He is a Chinese artist to address the difficulty of over consumption of he has created a giant bicycle installation made of 760 bikes. He has chosen the bicycle as a symbol of mass production because they are popular means of transportation among the workers of china. We have to remember that bicycle is a very important invention by Chinese it is a only one means of transportation which is eco friendly. This installation is at present exhibited at san gimignano’s Galleria Continua, Italy, through February 16. By representing these over consumption they also indicated that the chain and sprocket mechanism of the bicycles also symbolizes the matrix of the main power of the country its labor force, its people. Here you can watch out these amazing installation hope you will like it.













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