
Amazing 10 Facts About Black Shelter Cats


Black cats are amazing pets, how much of you really know about the black cats? Especially when you talk about the Halloween conjures images. Here are the amazing 10 facts about the black cats, test your black cat knowledge by applying these 10 facts.

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Amazing 10 facts about black shelter cats (7)

  1. During the ancient Egyptian period all the cats are respected as helpful and lucky, they were rhe symbol of the Bastet and they are headed goddess of protection
  2. During the middle ages, the Europeans considered that black cats are associated with the witch crafts, the elder and solitary women who often cares and feed the stray cats were identified as the witches and those cats are their schemer.
  3. In many parts of England and Ireland people believe that when the black cats crossed their path it is “good luck”
  4. In Scotland people believe that if the strange black cat arrives their home they may get chances to win jackpot and if the stray black cat arrived their doorstep it signals the prosperity.
  5. In Britain people believe that giving a cat to the bride means bringing good luck to home.
  6. In German if the cats cross from right to left it is considered as bad luck if it crosses from left to right it is considered as good luck.
  7. If you are a pirate it is even more confusing to explain about the fact because if the black cats is walking towards you it is considered as bad luck and if it is walking away it is good and if the cat enters in the ship and get back off ship it is going to sink.
  8. For the fisherman and his wife black cats are good luck and many will keep them on their ships or in their homes black cats are more valued that some could not easily afford them.
  9. In Japan the black cats are considered as good luck symbol especially for the women those are single
  10. Even in Russia cats are considered for good luck

If the black cat walks under the ladder it is considered as bad luck, it is best to suggest that it is the good common sense not to walk under any ladder whether it is black cat or any other color cats. Here in incredible snaps you are going to see some stunning photographs of the black cats that are captured in Los Angeles. If you are thinking to adopt a black cat really it is the best idea for Halloween season because keeping the black cat near doors is the good idea and also you can keep all pets indoors on Halloween holiday. Here are beautiful photographs of cats look and enjoy it.

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