
Fashion Photography by Elias Wessel


Fashion photography is one of the major arts in the photography which depends on the clothing and other fashionable items. This type of photography was already in the real world from 1856. This kind of photography will be useful in fashion designing, advertisements and other social targets. La Mode Practique was one of the first French journals to publish the fashion photography. The photography which concentrates on the fashionable items is the rule for this photographic art.

Some of the major photographers are all over the world interested in this part of photography. Elias Wessel was one of the famous photographers for the fashion photography from Germany living in New York had completed his master at the University of Arts and Design. He has more interest in painting and photography. He had worked for many clients; the following is his work for Vixen Magazine and I would say that this is his one of best and breath taking photography. Some of his best and beautiful photographs are in our showcase to make your mind blowing.

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