Black and white is the best color combination, the mixture of colors that always looks excellent on attractive, starting from home decor, your outfits and especially your nails. Ultra chic, well-designed and stylish, black and white nails are the perfect choice for your next glamorous event or black and white party.
While the world may have turned colorful there is something about black and white combination that just doesn’t get out of mind easily. Fashion world could be away from the mysterious impression of black and white. At first there was a combination of black and white dresses. Then came the black and white shoes and even spectacles trend. But the one that lasted for a elongated occasion was the black and white nail art design. Yes black and white nail art design is one of the most popular design for girls. In fact many call it as the tattoo art of nails because black color gives the tribal tattoo design look to nails. There are many designs in nice art. Here we collect 55 Creative Black and White Nail Art Examples for you. Enjoy it