Incredible snaps gladly presents the amazing and Beautiful Places in Serbia. When I heard the name of this country it was quite new to me. For the first time am hearing such name and I decided to know more about this place and started searching. This country is located at crossroads of central and south east Europe. The citizens of Serbia are called as serbs. Serbia climate is an amazing climate during January there is 0°c and during July the temperature raises to 23°c. Around 31% of Serbia is covered with forest. There are 10 rivers that flow in Serbia. Most of religions of Serbia are eastern orthodox and a catholic and Islamic minority. The tourism of Serbia concentrates more on mountains and villages there are fantastic places in Serbia. Travel Serbia is the fantastic place for tourism there are so many places in and around Serbia which are really amazing and one of the best tourist attraction. The hotels and other places for staying in Serbia are excellent. Places like Nis attraction, somber attraction, Zemun attraction, Subotica attraction and Cacak attraction etc are the amazing places of Serbia. Here you notice few amazing places of Serbia hope you love it.